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Backstage Society

Event Management Agency

Our mission
An experienced event management agency in Bucharest, offering comprehensive and complex service at international standards.
We can manage any type of event that involves managing for Musical Events & Festivals, Corporate and Private Events.
Our experience and connection ensure that what you need is what you get.
Qualified and professional bartenders
Bar Management
Sound, Stage & Lights
Sound, Stage & Lights
Food & More
Ticketing Solutions

Sound, Stage & Lights Rental
Qualified and professional bartenders
Mobile bars & fridge rental

Why choose us?

Work Process

The work process is simple... You tell us what you need, when you need it and we will make it happen.

1. Disscuss

2. Reveice offer

3. Results

What People Say?

Am avut un eveniment privat foarte important organizat într-un timp destul de scurt. Backstage Society a fost la înălțime!

— Bogdan Mihai, Eveniment Privat

Am avut un eveniment privat foarte important organizat într-un timp destul de scurt. Backstage Society a fost la înălțime!

— Bogdan Mihai, Eveniment Privat

Am avut un eveniment privat foarte important organizat într-un timp destul de scurt. Backstage Society a fost la înălțime!

— Bogdan Mihai, Eveniment Privat


We’re available for the new projects

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